Title: Clothes maketh the man Author: m_findlow Characters: Ianto, Gwen, Jack Rating: PG Challenge: 576 - Naked Notes: The team are back together but not all there just yet. A double drabble.
Title: Room for improvement Author: m_findlow Characters: Owen, Jack Rating: PG Challenge: 576 - Naked Notes: No one likes Owen's exams, but Jack has an idea how to make them better. A double drabble.
Title: Dressing down Author: m_findlow Characters: Ianto, Jack Rating: PG Challenge: 576 - Naked Notes: Ianto has some reservations about their latest delivery. A double drabble.
Title: Power struggle Author: m_findlow Characters: Jack, Torchwood Team Rating: PG Challenge: 576 - Naked Notes: Jack's back and nothing about him has changed one bit. A double drabble.
Title: Getting naked Author: unfeathered Character(s): Jack/Ianto Challenge: 576 - Naked Rating: NC-17 Author's Note: Getting naked does not mean the same thing for Jack as it does for everyone else. (I did manage to get this down to 100 words, but I preferred it expanded, so you get a double drabble)